Saturday, November 2, 2019

Comparison between Classical and Romantic Periods in Western Music Essay

Comparison between Classical and Romantic Periods in Western Music - Essay Example The movement was minimal as people performed and danced to the music. In contrast, during the romantic music period, both the performers and the dancers to the music became more physically involved in the music. More energy was used in playing the musical instruments and to dance to the music. Another major difference between the two periods is that, during the romantic period, music stressed strong emotions as opposed to music during the classic period. Music during the classical period did not portray deep emotions. About harmony, minor tones provided the music framework during the classical music period. Music composers wanted to have more control over their songs. The figured bass was not used during the classical music period. Amateur musicians were incapable of improvising from the bass. On the other hand, harmony during the romantic music period was expanded. Color and chromatic harmonies were added to the music. The performing mediums used during the classical music period were not as sophisticated as the accompaniments used during the romantic music period. They were, for example, made of wood and strings and were easy to operate as accompaniments to the music. During the romantic music period, accompaniments got more sophisticated. They included pianos and other digital equipment which were not easy to operate.  

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